Friday, October 16, 2015

Worse than hangover

 Alcohol consumption is present in most of the American’s lives from college parties to the most formal events. Some people might argue that excessive alcohol consumption       is a health risk. But according to an article from CBS NEWS, alcohol also harms our economy.
    Alcohol consumption by itself is expensive, and also taking into consideration what the excessive consumption might cause. Some of the consequences include accidents caused by drunk drivers, diseases caused by alcohol, or as explained by  the article: alcohol makes workers lose productivity. After a night of heavy drinking, people get hungover, and at work it might get people to lose their ability to focus on their daily task. This will lead them to do less efficient work and with less quality making them less efficient. In addition, the worker’s inability to concentrate could possibly lead to equipment being damaged resulting in more money loss.  Losing worker’s productivity by itself has made us lose about $179 billion, which is higher than all other effects of alcohol combined. Bringing all the costs of excessive alcohol consumption together would add up to the surprising amount of $249 billion. On the other hand let's not forget about the lives it can cost when drinking. Involving from alcohol related accidents to addiction and physical problems; causing deaths that can sum up to the average of 88,000 per year, as mentioned by CBS NEWS.
    Alcohol consumption can lead to fun times, but it can also lead to death, injury, compromising our workplace productivity, and even worse; it can affect our economy negatively.

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