Friday, October 2, 2015

Obama's last deed

  Through Obama’s terms there have many changes. Some people might even argue that he did not do a good job during his presidency. On the other hand, other people would say he is their favorite president by ending the war overseas or providing us with his affordable healthcare, Obamacare; which was a success.
  Moreover, he now insights a new deed, according to The Editorial Board of The New York Times, he now finds himself trying to give clemency to those serving unjustly long terms in prison. But, who he is trying to give clemency to? Does it mean that anyone in prison including drug dealers would be granted pardon? This might be one of the many reasons why people tend to dislike his presidency.
 As we might know, prison was made for criminals to find some time to think about their mistakes and pay for them. This also keeps our communities safe from criminals. I understand that there might be prisoners who have been wrongly sentenced for long period of jail time, who would be greatly affected by clemencies or commutation, but let's not forget that also other criminals who really deserve their sentence and free food from jail, such as drug dealers who could also be benefited by this.
  Although, Obama trying to accomplish a good deed before the end of his term would be a good idea, take into consideration the people who would be benefited by this, it could be someone convicted for the wrong reason or someone convicted for selling crack.

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