Friday, October 30, 2015

The backstabbing government

    For decades, immigrants have been present in the United States, and they have been going through injustices all along. For example, they bring stability to our economy, and in return we negate their entrance to our country. The government has been doing everything to push immigrants out of the country by giving them many obstacles, building fences in the borders, and negating public benefits to them, such as being unable to receive free healthcare or go to school.
     Through the years they have been an essential contribution to the economy to the United States, and even though some of them might not in the country legally they still pay taxes and contribute to the American market. Their contribution to local business bring up the GDP(gross domestic product), since most of them consume locally they help rise the supply and demand of goods and services giving more business stability and bring up the value of the dollar.
    Moreover, if we had a more comprehensive immigration policy, it would not only give immigrants a legal status, but it will also have significant impact on the economy in a positive way, not only helping the GDP but also creating more jobs, giving more opportunities to immigrants to get better jobs, earning more and being able to spend more on local goods and services.

    This is the way our government has been paying immigrants for their contribution to our economy, by closing the doors to those who supposedly came to “steal our jobs”, bringing them to cross the borders illegally.

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