Monday, November 30, 2015

The shameful presence of discrimination

 Racial discrimination has been present in the United States for generations. Racial discrimination has played a major role in our government. For example it was the cause of the Civil Right Movement. Many people might argue that racial discrimination had ended since that period of hate crimes, but the truth is that hate crimes against minorities still happen. For example, recent events have shown that discrimination and hate crimes still exist in our society, an example is Freddie Gray’s death, where he was taken into police custody, and by the time he arrived at the station, he was seriously injured, and those injuries are still unexplained. Because of this people blame the police, since most people think they were the cause of Freddie fatal injuries.

    After all the past violence that minorities have gone through, it's sad that this type of violence still happens to this day, and in most cases because of police brutality and their abuse of power.

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